There are 12 bulletin boards in the Inlets where you may find information about your community. Below is a list of areas to search for common interest items, schedules, photos, and announcements.
Official bulletin boards are placed in the (1)Library, (2)the Carriage House Lane enclosed bulletin boards, and the (3)Mail Room to the right of the sliding glass doors. These contain schedules of Board of Directors and Committee meetings, agendas, office announcements and other Inlets administrative related business.
Social Events and Activities may be found on the Board in the (1)Clubhouse office/library hallway where you will find sign-up sheets, (2)near the Carriage House Lane’s mail boxes and the (3)Mail Room. No flyers pertaining to out of Inlets events are permitted on these boards due to space limitations.
Activities and EventPhotos are displayed on a bulletin board in the Clubhouse fitness center hallway.
Tennis information and schedules are placed on a board situated by the (1)court entry doors while photos are shown on a separate bulletin board in the (2)Clubhouse fitness center hallway.
Advertisements of items wanted, for sale, for rent, and for trade may be placed on the bulletin board in the Mail Room, on the left of the sliding glass doors. Please remove your advertisement after the desired transaction takes place.
Outside of Inlets Information regarding non-Inlets activities may be placed on a small board on the side of the lockers in the Mail Room. Fitness Center information is contained on a board on the east wall of the Center. General and Safety Information. A board in the Clubhouse kitchen near the stove contains safety and serving suggestions.
These boards should be treated with respect. Extraneous comments are disrespectful, especially on previously placed signage meant to share invitations, information, etc. All forms of notices must be signed, or otherwise notated, by the person or group placing it on the board. Please remove your notice when it is no longer pertinent.