Notice of Meeting – Clubhouse & Virtual Thursday, March 20th, 2025 - 9:00 A.M. Board of Directors of The Inlets Condominium Association Inc. and The Inlets Common Facilities Corporation Inc. AGENDA
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of minutes: February 20 meeting
President’s Report: In Newsletter
Treasurer’s Report: Read by Bill Brown
Old Business1: none
New Business1:
1. Motion to accept the Insurance Deductibles for the Common Facilities Corporation for the year 2025
2. Motion to accept the Insurance Deductibles for the Condominium Association for the year 2025.
3. Motion to authorize the expenditure of up to $10,000 to have our attorney certify the validity of the proxies related to the Declarations document revisions.
Other discussion items
Reminder, speeding on our roads and in the canals
Emails from Mr. Harkness
Committee reports:
Communications Rentals and sales.
Open Forum:
(1) Process: For each Topic:
Board to complete discussion.
Residents can comment after board discussion; subject to 3-minute time limit.
The Board has no obligation to respond.
(2) Correspondence will not be read; just acknowledged.